Home > Acceptance of Medical Trainees > List of Participants > List of Participants 1991-1993
Fiscal Year | Name | Organization | Nation | Training Organizations |
1993 | Steven Charles Castle | UCLA | U.S.A | RERF and others |
1993 | Mary Natchathrakala Mohankumar | Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research | India | RIRBM |
1993 | Velentin Andreyevich Fomin | Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine | Russia | RERF |
1993 | Galina Anatolievna Veremeyeva | Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine | Russia | RERF |
1993 | Larisa Alexeyevna Sivolobova | Belarus Dispensary Center for the Chernobyl affected | Beralus | RERF and others |
1993 | Vladimir Arcadjevich Akishin | Archangelsk's Regional Oncological Centre | Russia | RERF and others |
1993 | Vladimir Alexeievich Konin | Archangelsk's Regional Oncological Centre | Russia | RERF and others |
1993 | Constantin Vasily Moshchik | Berarus Institute of Radiation Medicine. | Beralus | RERF and others |
1993 | Bojko Evgeny R. | Institute of Physiology Russian Academy of Sciences | Russia | RERF and others |
1993 | Jose Willian Oliveira | Leide das Neves Ferreira Foundation | Brazil | Hiroshima University Hospital and others |
1993 | Igor Andrey Lisukov | Novosibirsk Medical Institute Institute of Clinical Immunology | Russia | Red Cross Hospital and others |
1993 | Masami Sugawara | Hospital Nipo-Brasileiro | Brazil | Red Cross Hospital and others |
1993 | Alexander Vozilova | Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine | Russia | RERF |
1993 | Olga V. Vyushkova | Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine | Russia | RERF |
1993 | Ken Matsumoto | UCDavis | U.S.A | RERF and others |
1993 | Vladimir Grigorievich Bebeshko | Ukrainian Research Center for Radiation Medicine | Ukraine | RERF and others |
1992 | Rozenson Rafaie I | National Research Institute for Radiation Medicine and Ecology | Kazakhstan | RIRBM |
1992 | Alexander Cekelvaev | National Research Institute for Radiation Medicine and Ecology | Kazakhstan | RIRBM |
1992 | Hideyasu Maeda | Mutual Nikkai Hospital | Argentine | RIRBM and others |
1992 | Claudio C.Silva | Leide das Neves Ferreira Foundation | Brazil | RIRBM and others |
1992 | George Ssuzuki | Kuakini Medical Center | U.S.A | RERF and others |
1992 | Ricald Miyake | Nipo-Brasileiro Hospital | Brazil | Hiroshima University Hospital and others |
1992 | David K. Fukuda | Riverside General Hospital | U.S.A | Hiroshima University Hospital and others |
1992 | Dean Takao Yamaguchi | UCLA | U.S.A | RERF and others |
1992 | Vyacheslav Sharov | Ural National Graduate Institute for Seinor Doctors | Russia | RIRBM and others |
1992 | Sergei Petrenko | Minsk Radiaiton Medical Institute | Beralus | RIRBM and others |
1992 | Sergey V. Zhavoronok | Institute of Radiation Medicine | Beralus | RIRBM and others |
1992 | Murlan K. Shaimardanov | Semipalatinsk Medical Institute | Kazakhstan | RIRBM and others |
1992 | Tamara V. Filippova | Moscow Medical Academy | Russia | RERF and others |
1992 | Alexander V. Akleev | Institute of Biophisics | Russia | RERF and others |
1991 | Jeffrey Ken Shimoyama | Los Angeles County Medical Association | U.S.A | Red Cross Hospital and others |
1991 | Dan C. Norman | UCLA | U.S.A | RERF and others |
1991 | Vjacheslav Tsoy | Riga Republic Oncologic Hospital | Latvia | RIRBM and others |
1991 | Yuji Sakkawa | Hospital Nipo-Brasileiro | Brazil | RIRBM and others |
1991 | Aparecido Divino Da Cruz | Leide das Neves Ferreira Foundation | Brazil | RERF |