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Over the Years

A physician from Brazil invited for Training

We accepted a physician who engages in medical care of A-bomb survivors in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and provided training regarding medical treatment for radiation exposure for approximately one month.

Name and Title of Trainee:

Marilia Marufuji Ogawa, Physician-dermatologist
Hospital Santa Cruz

Period of Training:

January 14 to February 12, 2009

Training Organizations (in order of visits):

Hiroshima A-bomb Casualty Council
Hiroshima University Hospital
Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital & Atomic-bomb Survivors Hospital
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, etc.

Training Course:

Diagnosis of radiation disorders

At the Hiroshima University Hospital

Professor Michihiro Hide (left)

Dr. Marilia Ogawa (right)

At the Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital & Atomic-bomb Survivors Hospital

Dr. Toshihiko Masuno, Deputy Director of the Department of Dermatology (right)

Dr. Marilia Ogawa (left)


As a dermatologist, I would like to focus on skin cancer when I examine A-bomb survivors at the Hospital Santa Cruz where I work. However, I believe what is most important is to show respect for the calamity and emotional distress that patients have experienced.